About us

Science and innovation for responsible mining in West Africa

Artisanal and semi-industrial mining address many development issues: poverty alleviation, decent work and economic growth, responsible production and consumption, protection of flora and fauna, health, etc. Faced with these issues, building viable solutions requires the implementation of new paradigms based on multi-stakeholder and multi-disciplinary dialogue.
Faced with these issues, building viable solutions requires the implementation of new paradigms based on multi-stakeholder and cross-disciplinary dialogue.

To this end, the members of the RAMR2D network offer tools and expertise for building partnerships and joint actions with all public, private and academic players involved in extractive activities:

  • Building a sub-regional and international network of research and expertise
  • Advocacy
  • Setting up public/private partnerships
  • International mobility
  • Training
  • R&D
  • Incubation program
  • Responding to international calls for projects
  • Research programs
  • Organizing international events
  • International networking

RAMR2D Ace Partner mining and sustainable development network.

Areas of expertise

Environment & sustainable development:
Environmental and societal diagnostics; Soil and ecosystem studies; Depollution, decontamination, remediation; Water quality; Circular economy; Post-mining economic diversification; Restoration of degraded environments.

Communities and local approaches:
Governance; Managing conflicts of use; Disability management and reconversion; Mining and gender; CSR approach.

Industrial ecosystems and processes:
Process optimization; Sustainable integrated management; New digital tools.

Mining and sustainable development

Committee membership

Executive Committee (decision-making)

● The 3 ACE managers
● The scientific advisor: Dominique Chardon dominique.chardon@ird.fr (IRD)
● The ACE Partner project manager: Grégory Giraud gregory.giraud@ird.fr (IRD)
● The network coordinator: Patrice Ebah patrice.ebah@ird.fr (IRD)

Coordination team (action implementation)
● The network coordinator
● The head of the CEA-MEM network leader center
● The scientific advisor
● The 3 RAMR2D member focal points

Scientific Committee (evaluation of projects and grants)
● International experts from academia and industry.
● 2 members to review each project.

Support committee (support for project submissions)
● International experts proposed by each CEA, registered on a voluntary basis.

RAMR2D Partners

A partnership agreement has been signed between the partners and the RAMR2D network.


CEA MEM Ivory Coast
Alphonse Yao alphonse.yao@inphb.ci

Mahamadou Ousman nabourkou@yahoo.fr

Mory Kourouma kourouma.mory54@gmail.com

With the support of