
Le Monde - Tribune "Restoring mining ecosystems and preserving their biodiversity is a major environmental and societal challenge".

Tribune - Collective

How can mining and nature be reconciled? This is a crucial issue, particularly in developing countries. In an article published in "Le Monde", researchers from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and the African RAMR2D network call for greater responsibility on the part of industry and governments.

List of signatories :

  • Fabrice Colingeochemist, IRD, and scientific referent for the Responsible Mining and Sustainable Development network (AMR2D)
  • Grégory GiraudACE Partner Project Manager, IRD
  • Pierre-Yves Le Meur, anthropologist, IRD, co-facilitator of the Georesources and Sustainability (GeoD) Knowledge Community (CoSav)
  • Laurence Maurice, biogeochemist, IRD scientific advisor and CoSav GéoD coordinator
  • Alphonse Yaogeologist, Director of the Centre d'Excellence Africain Mines et environnement minier de Côte d'Ivoire.