3 minutes to tell your thesis!
Students take part in the "3 minute thesis" challenge
The Wanida Research Network International Symposium on Infectious Diseases, held in Accra from March 8 to 10, 2023, was a great opportunity for WANIDA student volunteers to take part in an exercise to popularize and synthesize their research topic.
Building students' skills: a key challenge for ACE Partner
A researcher's range of skills is very broad, from writing scientific articles to fund-raising. ACE Partner has deployed a solid training strategy to enable members of the various networks to equip themselves to meet the many demands of this curriculum.
To make the most of their work, researchers have many opportunities to present their results, at conferences or informal gatherings. With this in mind, the WANIDA network has organized a series of webinars to provide the keys to structuring a scientific presentation and the art of public speaking.
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Personalized coaching and a competition in front of a packed room of international experts
19 WANIDA scholarship students benefited from customized coaching in English and French to strengthen their skills and prepare for the Ma Thèse en 3 minutes / 3 minute thesis Challenge.
- Structure your scientific presentation.
- Public speaking.
The course, orchestrated by Meryam Ziani, an expert in the popularization of science, also involved a number of speakers:
- Eldaa Koama, public speaking expert and CEO of Improv'you.
- Ahouefa Reine Katte, civil engineering specialist and winner of the Ma thèse en 180 secondes competition in Kenya in 2022.
- Daouda Guebre, researcher and professor of agropedology at the University of Ziniaré (Burkina Faso) and winner of the Ma thèse en 180 secondes competition organized by the 2IE center of excellence.
Congratulations to the 9 finalists and 4 winners!
The final of the "3 minute thesis" challenge took place on March 9 in Accra during the WANIDA Symposium, and 9 students had the chance to try their hand at this hectic exercise. The effects of water pollution on health, malaria, pregnancy-related risks, and more. The topics were diverse, and the students rose to the challenge with flying colors! In view of their performance, the 2 prizes that were originally to be awarded by the jury turned into 4! The jury praised the quality of the presentations and stressed the difficulty of choosing the winners.
- 1st prize awarded to DOKPOMIWA Houeffa Adeline Tatiana
1500 for participation in a scientific event and the production of a comic strip to promote his or her research topic. - 2nd prize ex-aequo awarded to TRAORE Bintou Fatoumata
1000 € to participate in a scientific event - 2nd prize ex-aequo awarded to TOURE Aly Badara
1000 € to participate in a scientific event - 3rd prize awarded to CAMPBELL Julian Sydney Olufemi
500 to take part in a scientific event.
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