DSTN Scholars

DSTN > Scholars > DJEKI Essohanam

Affiliated project ACETSMIP

Affiliated CEAs :

CEA SMIA, University of Abomey-Calavi

National Open University of Nigeria - ACETEL

Thesis supervisor : Dr. Jules DEGILA, CEA SMIA, University of Abomey-Calavi

Thesis co-supervisor : Prof. Muktar Alhassan, National Open University of Nigeria - ACETEL

Other contributors to thesis supervision : Dr. Carlyna Bondiombouy, CEA SMIA

Scientific publications : https://docs.google.com/document/d/11FWVkdK2_s1zNTqOsKTP5EgWbZbKHVJ-wGpf63Ti4dQ/edit

[1] E. Djeki, J. Dégila, and M. H. Alhassan, "Pseudo Dynamic Password for Reinforcing E-learning Authentication Systems," Computers & Security, 2024 (under revision).
[2] E. Djeki, J. Degila, and M. H. Alhassan, "Reimagining Authentication: A User-Centric Two-Factor Authentication with Personalized Image Verification," in 2024 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS), IEEE, 2024.
[3] E. Djeki, J. Dégila, and M. H. Alhassan, "Conceptual Framework for Integrating Cybersecurity into Developing Country Curricula for Strengthening Students' Cybersecurity Awareness and Skills," Journal of Computers in Education, 2024.


DSTN > Scholars > DJEKI Essohanam

Start date: 01/01/2021
Anticipated date of thesis defense: May 2024
ORCID profile: 0000-0001-7301-39

Title: Ensuring learner confidentiality and security in West African e-learning spaces

Summary of study topic:
With the exponential increase in the adoption of e-learning systems due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the West African region, there is a pressing concern about user privacy and personal data security, as well as the risks and vulnerabilities associated with e-learning solutions. These concerns extend to the measures and mechanisms required to protect e-learning environments, raising a series of fundamental questions: What are the risks and issues associated with e-learning security? What personal data is involved in e-learning spaces? What impact do these risks and threats have on the reliability and security of e-learning solutions? What reality-based solutions can be designed and implemented to guarantee and reinforce the effectiveness and security of e-learning in West Africa? Our study aims to identify security challenges and provide solutions and strategies to ensure a secure and reliable e-learning environment, particularly in a post-COVID era.

Summary of findings:
In order to propose solutions tailored to the realities of West Africa, a thorough understanding of the region's e-learning environments is essential. Through an online survey and case study of the NOUN platform, the results highlight the prevalence of security issues in the region's e-learning space, including denial-of-service attacks, SQL code injection and password attacks.
Despite limited cybersecurity knowledge, learners express real concerns about their privacy and security. To ensure the security and privacy of learners in West African e-learning spaces, we propose three main solutions. Firstly, we suggest two authentication methods - one allowing users to update their passwords based on the strength of their previously set password [1] and the other employing two-factor authentication using user-preferred images to mitigate password risks [2]. Next, we recommend security best practices for developers, system administrators, platform provider staff, as well as teachers and learners, to significantly reduce the risks associated with human error. Finally, we propose a comprehensive program to seamlessly integrate cybersecurity education into the national education system, providing students with the essential knowledge for the secure use of information and communication technologies [3].

Outlook after completion of thesis:
In our future research, we will focus on implementing the two authentication mechanisms proposed in this thesis as Moodle plugins. In addition, we intend to assess the impact and adoption of our proposals by monitoring and evaluating the solutions using real data. As regards the integration of the cybersecurity education and awareness program, our aim is to launch a pilot project, potentially involving a single school.