Scientific themes :
It will develop activities (courses, training, organization of workshops/conferences, application to regional and international calls) in the following areas: Big Data and Trusted Artificial Intelligence, High-Performance Computing, Data Science, with a particular focus on involving companies and social partners.
SMIA African Center of Excellence
Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science and Applications
University of Abomey Calavi - Benin

The African Center of Excellence in Mathematical Sciences and Applications domiciled at the Institute of Mathematics and Physical Sciences (IMSP) is an ACE project started in 2014. It became ACE IMPACT SMIA in 2020.
Its mission is to train and provide Benin and the sub-region with professionals in the fields of applied mathematics and computer science whose level meets international standards.
Coordinators : Joël Tossa(
Focal points :
Jules Degila(,
Eugène Ezin(
Contact :
- Postal address: 01 BP 613 Porto-Novo, Benin
- E-mail:
- Telephone: +229 99 86 72 86
- Website: https: //