BOOTCAMP RAMR2D "Multiscale approaches to the impacts of artisanal and industrial gold mining in West Africa: issues, methodologies and research prospects".
Niamey, Niger - June 7 to 11, 2021
Artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining addresses a number of development issues: the fight against poverty - MDG 1, decent work and economic growth - MDG 8, responsible production and consumption - MDG 12, protection of terrestrial flora and fauna - MDG 15, etc. Building viable solutions to the issues raised calls for new paradigms based on multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary dialogue.
To this end, academic, public and private players and members of civil society met for the first time on this scale from across West Africa in Niamey from June 7 to 11, 2021. The event brought together nearly 200 international academic and private players, and built bridges through numerous meetings, workshops, debates and training courses on the theme of "Multi-scale approaches to the impacts of artisanal and industrial gold mining in West Africa: issues, methodology and research prospects".
Participants were able to discuss the issues, methodologies and research prospects for responsible mining and sustainable development, as well as the conditions required to get on the right track.
Over the course of 5 days, these unprecedented exchanges proved highly fruitful. All the players were able to draw up the content of a joint declaration, " The Niamey Declaration of June 11, 2021 for responsible mining and sustainable development ", and to propose more responsible operating and organization methods applicable to pilot sites for artisanal and industrial activities in West Africa.
They jointly declare the need to :
>> Create bridges for a multi-stakeholder dialogue.
>> Understand the issue of artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining in its entirety via an interdisciplinary and co-developed approach.
>> Identify and share innovative solutions for a community of practitioners.
>> Rethink the regulatory framework for artisanal mining via this multi-stakeholder approach and within a regional logic.
>> Formalize and monitor appropriate indicators for responsible mining.