CEA MEM, Centre d'Excellence Africain Mines et environnement minier, member of the pan-African research network of excellence for responsible mining RAMR2D, publishes its catalog oftraining.
The Centre d'Excellence d'Afrique Mines et Environnement Minier (CEA-MEM) at the Institut National Polytechnique Félix HOUPHOUËT-BOIGNY (INP-HB), created in 2016, is a World Bank Center currently funded by L'Agence Française de Développement (AFD) that aims, among other things, to train quality human resources for the mining sector.
CEA-MEM offers short and medium-term vocational training courses covering the entire mine life cycle.
22 modules, organized around 4 main themes, are offered to mining players at all levels (professionals, students, artisanal miners, contractors, auditors, etc.):
- Applied geology and prospecting
- Optimizing the exploitation of deposits
- Mining environment
- Mining governance.
For further information, please contact :
>> Alphone YAO / Head of the CEA MEM Center of Excellence / alphonse.yao@inphb.ci
>> Patrice EBAH / RAMR2D network coordinator / patrice.ebah@ird.fr
The conference is part of a cycle of conferences organized by AFD every two years to address key development issues such as common goods, inequalities and development financing.
In an era of multiplying global crises in several areas - health, environment, finance - and increasing civil society mobilizations in favor of a just and equitable transition, the question of the operational coherence of the ODD framework, development trajectories and their (in-) sustainability have risen to the heart of many political debates.
The 15th International Research Conference marks a milestone in the thinking around this concept. Its multi-disciplinary program is structured around three principles of strong sustainability that aim to guide the development of trajectories: non-substitutability between capitals, multidimensionality and the social construct. The event consists of two academic days and one policy day, combining academic insights, testimonials and recommendations for the public and private sectors to better address the political, environmental, economic and social challenges of development.
Join Patrice EBAH, coordinator of the Mining Activity and Sustainable Development - RAMR2D network, in parallel session n°2, on December 7 at 5pm: Le droit comme levier pour répondre à la problématique de l'exploitation minière responsable en Afrique de l'Ouest : Analyses des préoccupations environnementales et sociales à la lumière de la législation minière en Côte d'Ivoire, au Niger et en Guinée.
How can I attend the conference?
This year, the event will be held in a hybrid format, with the possibility of attending the conference either inAFD's Nelson Mandela Auditorium in the Mistral (December 7 and 8) and in theEspace du Centenaire (December 9), or from the dedicated digital platform.
Registration >> https://livee.com/event/afdstrongsustainability/french/s_736771/l/Event-01-Homepage
Mining the Connections is an international, multidisciplinary conference that brings together academic researchers, students, government representatives, members of indigenous and non-indigenous communities, NGOs and mining companies to discuss mining developments and their impacts.
This international conference explores the many links between mining developments, local communities and the environment from a multidisciplinary perspective. It seeks to establish and strengthen links between governments, researchers, NGOs, practitioners and community representatives from around the world, in order to improve knowledge of mining development and its impacts.
In addition to more traditional presentations, the event will include workshops on key themes: Working with mining companies, Post-mining, Implementing ERAs. These workshops will enable researchers, advocacy groups, mining company representatives and communities to exchange views on these topics. Finally, post-conference activities on mining sites will be organized.
The conference was held in Quebec City, Canada, from April 25 to 27, 2022. It was a hybrid event with both in-person and online presentations and activities.
Find out more: https://miningconnections.ulaval.ca
Watch videos of highlights fromthe Mining the connections Conference:
- Mining and water: https: //youtu.be/JkNtLOdbVoQ
- Mining and Human Rights: https: //youtu.be/nxppoM7lkj4
- Mining the connections: https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PdmDfGaO4M
- Mining and indigenous peoples: https: //youtu.be/kho9EftqVjI

September 08, 2021 at IRD headquarters in Marseille
Audience granted by Ms Valérie VERDIER, IRD CEO to the AMR2D and Sustainable Water Management networks on the sidelines of the IUCN summit held in Marseille from September 03 to 11, 2021.
The CEO thanked all the centers for their excellent work. She also congratulated the ACE Partner team on the excellent thematic networking of the various African centers of excellence.
Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary scientific research is to be promoted with partners in the South. The issue of biodiversity in the South is a major priority for IRD governance.
At the end of the session, the CEO presented kits on IRD's scientific priorities to the coordinators of the AMR2D and Sustainable Water Management networks.

Tribune - Collective
How can mining and nature be reconciled? This is a crucial issue, particularly in developing countries. In an article published in "Le Monde", researchers from the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement and the African RAMR2D network call for greater responsibility on the part of industry and governments.
List of signatories :
- Fabrice Colingeochemist, IRD, and scientific referent for the Responsible Mining and Sustainable Development network (AMR2D)
- Grégory GiraudACE Partner Project Manager, IRD
- Pierre-Yves Le Meur, anthropologist, IRD, co-facilitator of the Georesources and Sustainability (GeoD) Knowledge Community (CoSav)
- Laurence Maurice, biogeochemist, IRD scientific advisor and CoSav GéoD coordinator
- Alphonse Yaogeologist, Director of the Centre d'Excellence Africain Mines et environnement minier de Côte d'Ivoire.
Present in Marseille from September 03 to 11, 2021 as part of the IUCN Biodiversity Summit, members of the Responsible Mining and Sustainable Development network discussed IUCN motion 67 on reducing the impact of mining on biodiversity.
Having communicated its comments to IUCN members before and during the summit, the vote on this motion was the objective of the network members' presence in Marseille during this week dedicated to Biodiversity.
This reflection can be summed up in five (5) key points:
- Building bridges for multi-stakeholder dialogue
We therefore propose the following lines of thought:
- Set up forums for dialogue between public decision-makers, civil society, operators, academic and development players, to share best practices and strengthen coordination between initiatives.
- Create an environment conducive to sincere and transparent exchange within the stakeholder community.
- Create local, transdisciplinary, multi-sector pacts of trust around mining projects in the pipeline, in operation, or abandoned (orphan mines).
- Understand the issue of mining as a whole through an interdisciplinary, inclusive, inter-ODD and co-developed approach:
We propose the following lines of thought:
- Promote and fund interdisciplinary research (engineering and physical sciences, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences), and the creation of knowledge around the complex issue of mining in Africa and beyond.
- Raising awareness among all the players involved by promoting training through research
- Encourage the participation of the populations concerned and the development of learning communities through the development of dedicated "living labs".
- Create or strengthen local, regional and international research networks in this field
- Promote local expertise through training and inter- and trans-disciplinary action-research.
- Identify and share innovative solutions for a community of practitioners:
We propose the following lines of thought:
- Develop local content in national program funding.
- Support the transfer and appropriation of technologies to optimize sustainable value-adding processes via networks of North/South players, through the creation of dedicated structured systems (innovation committees in mining villages and towns, technology transfer acceleration companies (SATT), incubators, technopoles, R&D departments within companies (depending on the appropriate structural scale).
- Rethink the regulatory framework for mining via this multi-stakeholder approach and within a regional logic:
We propose the following lines of thought:
- Share national regulatory best practices via regional bodies.
- Encourage transparency and publication of public licensing data.
- Encourage implementation of and compliance with regional environmental regulations
- Develop regulations to safeguard and protect ecosystems threatened with disfunction or extinction in the various regions covered by the licenses.
- Encourage regulations that allow industrial and artisanal mines to coexist
- Enhance and strengthen regulations that place particular emphasis on the know-how of traditional communities in terms of biodiversity enhancement in the context of mining activities.
- Formalize and monitor the appropriate indicators for responsible mining:
We propose the following lines of thought:
- Publicly share geographical, social and economic data on mining.
- Use the SDG framework and indicators to monitor interactions between mining and major development issues.
- Promote the transparency of impact studies, solutions for reducing negative externalities, and open science research results.
- Encourage the creation of local or regional mining observatories.

The development of artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining in the countries represented (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Senegal) is unprecedented. Some 2 million people are involved, and this number is rising steadily, leading to social tensions and environmental impacts at different spatial and temporal scales, which need to be better understood in order to find sustainable solutions that are built and accepted by all
Artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining addresses a number of development issues: the fight against poverty - MDG 1, decent work and economic growth - MDG 8, responsible production and consumption - MDG 12, protection of terrestrial flora and fauna - MDG 15, etc. Building viable solutions to address the issues raised calls for new paradigms based on multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary dialogue.
With this in mind, academic, public, private and civil society players met for the first time on this scale from all over West Africa in Niamey from June 7 to 11, 2021 as part of the ACE Partner workshop on "Multiscale approaches to the impacts of artisanal and industrial gold mining in West Africa" and discussed issues, methodologies and research perspectives for responsible mining for sustainable development, and the conditions necessary for
this trajectory.
They jointly declared the need to :
- Building bridges for multi-stakeholder dialogue:
The lack of connection between leading academic players, public decision-makers and private operators hinders the sharing of experience and knowledge. This sharing is key to the creation of an ecosystem capable of co-constructing solutions adapted to local social, economic and cultural contexts. In this way, all knowledge holders are committed to dialogue in a spirit of trust, based on better-identified timeframes and venues within each community (academic, public, private). - Understand the problem of artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining in its entirety through an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach:
Artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining is a societal fact, dependent on an easily accessible (and non-renewable) resource, which also addresses complex and diverse rural development issues through the land issue.
It generates a real but unequal source of income for a segment of the population that is often rural and poor, with limited access to education and health care. At the same time, the use of harmful processing practices (notably mercury- and cyanide-based), the partial or absent assessment of environmental impact (on ecosystems, biodiversity, water, etc.), health impact (exposome, transmissible and emerging diseases) and social impact (inequalities, migration, violence, child labor, governance) contribute to the degradation of mining territories and high societal vulnerability.
These multiple issues require the creation of action research capable of understanding how to combine these economic, social and environmental development challenges to identify multi-scale solutions: local, national and regional. - Identify and share innovative solutions for a community of practitioners:
Numerous solutions exist, based on science, the concept of nature as a common good, local cultural content and new technologies (digital, satellite...). They need to be shared, tested and filtered at scale via the gateways mentioned above. Learning from best practices should also be a priority, to correlate responsible mining and revenue generation (public and private).
Better organization of the industry, via responsible communities linked to the academic and public sectors, could relay these innovations. The aim would be, on the basis of better shared knowledge, to better formalize and secure activities, to limit the use of harmful practices while optimizing production levels, to regulate markets, to improve governance overall, and to guarantee a better quality of life for populations and integrate the restoration of mining sites into all stages of the exploitation process. - Rethinking the regulatory framework for artisanal gold mining via this
multi-stakeholder approach and within a regional logic:
The regulatory framework, although constantly evolving to cope with the unprecedented boom in artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining in West Africa, requires consideration of all the economic, social and environmental issues raised. The volatile, rural and artisanal nature of mining sometimes leads to rampant exploitation that cannot comply with current legislation. These cross-cutting issues are shared by all the countries present. A regional approach
would enable us to harmonize and share modes of governance between states, via the relevant regional organizations, conducted on the basis of a strongly locally rooted dialogue involving common law and customary law in particular. - Formalize and monitor appropriate indicators for responsible mining:
Data on gold mining activity do exist. However, they are fragmented and fragile, and do not enable reliable decision-making at the various levels of governance. Measuring the impacts of the activity on the economic, environmental and social sectors will enable the implementation of a shared, transdisciplinary monitoring framework to more accurately measure the impact (positive and negative) of artisanal, semi-industrial and industrial gold mining on communities. Based on indicators co-developed by all
players in the mining arena, and also associated with sustainable development objectives, the players present in Niamey are committed to sharing and enhancing the data needed for strategic decision-making (public and private) through the development of dedicated observatories by research, around African centers of excellence and their local, regional and international partners.
The signatories of this declaration commit to working together in support of this declaration. It will serve as a strategy for monitoring our actions and formalize the community of experts and practitioners committed to responsible mining as a vehicle for sustainable development.
Niamey, Niger - June 7 to 11, 2021
Artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining addresses a number of development issues: the fight against poverty - MDG 1, decent work and economic growth - MDG 8, responsible production and consumption - MDG 12, protection of terrestrial flora and fauna - MDG 15, etc. Building viable solutions to the issues raised calls for new paradigms based on multi-stakeholder and interdisciplinary dialogue.
To this end, academic, public and private players and members of civil society met for the first time on this scale from across West Africa in Niamey from June 7 to 11, 2021. The event brought together nearly 200 international academic and private players, and built bridges through numerous meetings, workshops, debates and training courses on the theme of "Multi-scale approaches to the impacts of artisanal and industrial gold mining in West Africa: issues, methodology and research prospects".
Participants were able to discuss the issues, methodologies and research prospects for responsible mining and sustainable development, as well as the conditions required to get on the right track.
Over the course of 5 days, these unprecedented exchanges proved highly fruitful. All the players were able to draw up the content of a joint declaration, " The Niamey Declaration of June 11, 2021 for responsible mining and sustainable development ", and to propose more responsible operating and organization methods applicable to pilot sites for artisanal and industrial activities in West Africa.
They jointly declare the need to :
>> Create bridges for a multi-stakeholder dialogue.
>> Understand the issue of artisanal and semi-industrial gold mining in its entirety via an interdisciplinary and co-developed approach.
>> Identify and share innovative solutions for a community of practitioners.
>> Rethink the regulatory framework for artisanal mining via this multi-stakeholder approach and within a regional logic.
>> Formalize and monitor appropriate indicators for responsible mining.