Center émergent Mines, environnement et société, Institut Supérieur des Mines et Géologie de Boké, Guinea
Center Manager :
Doctor Mory KOUROUMA

Since independence, the exploitation of mineral resources has been the mainstay of the Republic of Guinea's economy. On average, the mining sector accounts for over 80% of foreign exchange earnings and contributes 15% of GDP.
There is a remarkable contrast between the abundance of mineral resources and the great poverty of the population, on the one hand, and the notable lack of skilled human resources to develop these potentialities, on the other. It is in this context that the Institut Supérieur des Mines et Géologie de Boké (ISMGB, the oldest mining school in West Africa, founded in 1962) has created an Emerging Center dedicated to the issue of Mines and Society. The overall aim of the Centre Emergent Mines et Société (CEMS) is to provide the training and research excellence required for the sustainable planning and management of mining activities in Guinea, and ultimately in the sub-region. CEMS will train local experts in exploration, raw materials development and the resolution of social issues related to mining in Guinea. Specifically, the CEMS will aim to:
- Strengthen ISMGB's overall academic offering to provide internationally-recognized courses of excellence at Master's, PhD and vocational training levels, in line with the expectations of private and public players in the mining sector;
- To ensure scientific production of excellence capable of responding to current issues (conflicts of use, production chain, sustainability of mining projects, corporate social responsibility, etc.) in order to advise public and private players on sustainable mining activities;
- Promote the dissemination of research results and the acquisition of innovative technologies and practices for sustainable mining;
- Develop scientific and academic cooperation with other national and international institutions involved in common themes.
Areas of research :
Geological and mining services :
- Scientific identification of the causes of falling water levels in hydroelectric dams.
- Research and evaluation of trace elements in bauxites
- Choice of a rational complex of geophysical methods for groundwater exploration.
- Studies of the geological and hydrogeological features of river basins with a view to integrated water resource management.
- Geology, geochemistry and geochronology of Guinea's bauxite deposits - implications for metallogeny.
- Modelling and experimentation of damage to bauxitic rocks under explosive loading.
Processing - Metallurgy :
- Upgrading of Al2O3 alumina extraction residues to extract other useful elements.
- Mechanical and physico-chemical characterization of different bauxite varieties mined in Guinea
- Feasibility studies for the installation of golden ingot refining units.
- Studies of refractory ore concentration technology.
Environment and Society :
- Studies aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of bauxite mining and processing operations
- Site restoration (green right away, environmental analysis)
- Study the life cycle of a mine.
- Mining and Society Interactions in Guinea.
- Valorization of mine tailings in the Republic of Guinea.
Industrial Safety :
- Occupational risk analysis and assessment
- Implementing preventive measures
- Adoption of a safety management system and its best practice within a company