


Ex ESIE Bingerville.Pole scientifique Universite felix Houphouët boigny Abidjan
Tel : (00225) 20 40 36 93
Fax: (00225) 20 40 36 93
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The mission ofthe African Center of Excellence on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture CEA-CCBAD is to provide training and research on issues relating to ecosystems, biodiversity, food production (plant, animal and fish), water, and productive and sustainable forestry in the context of climate change affecting the region.

This includes the training of graduates, and the production and valorization of knowledge related to: (i) the protection of water resources, the fight against soil erosion, the protection and better use of biodiversity, the adoption of resistance crop projects, the protection of forest production through, for example, bio-indicators such as pollinators, earthworms and coprophagous insects. The center trains graduates in interdisciplinary subjects so that they are able to work with all players in the sector and secure jobs for other learners.

The African Center of Excellence on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture at the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny (UFHB) focuses on training master's and postgraduate students. It focuses on biodiversity, and is part of a pre-existing regional network of 10 institutions focusing on climate change (WASCAL).

Since 2018, CEA -CCBAD has been one of the host institutions of PASET (Partenariat pour le développement des Compétences en Sciences Appliquées, Ingénierie et Technologies) for the training of PhD students in the field of food safety.

Interests and expertise :

  • Climate change
  • Agriculture
  • Biodiversity
  • Environment

Coordinator :
Prof. Kone Mama (

Focal Points:
Prof. Daouda Koné (
Dr. Taofic Alabi (