Déj'cryptage AFD & ACE Partner March 23 // Responsible mining in West Africa: what are the challenges?
Mining activity is growing exponentially in West Africa at all levels. This dynamism in the mining sector raises a number of concerns in line with sustainable development objectives.
What are the stakes and challenges of future mining activity in West Africa, for which minerals and which development model?
We will try to answer these questions during an exchange: Thursday March 23, 2023 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm - Live Storm via the link
Mining, a development sector in West Africa, is a source of direct and indirect job creation. For some of the region's countries, mining is the lifeblood of the economy, helping to offset, for example, poor sales and/or fluctuations in the global cost of agricultural raw materials.
While this sector is a major source of foreign currency and economic development, it is currently facing a number of issues and challenges that need to be understood and addressed as part of a territorialized sustainable development trajectory that takes into account the demand for essential resources in African countries, and the legitimacy of countries in choosing their own development models.
Some relate to local and international market issues, the nature of resources and reserves, and questions of governance, safety and transparency.
Others are environmental (degraded natural ecosystems); social (inequality of mining revenues between the players involved); impact on human health, lack of local inclusion, conflicts of use.
So, what are the minerals of the future for West African countries (nature of essential resources)?
How can public decision-makers, private operators, the populations involved and researchers work together to overcome the challenges of responsible mining, in the face of ever-increasing local and international pressure to extract minerals that are having an ever-greater impact on society, in a context of limited primary reserves (minerals, water, energy) and a commitment to sustainable development based on solidarity?
- Dr. Diaka SIDIBEDiaka SIDIBE, Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, Guinea.
- Patrice EBAH, Lawyer, AMR2D Network Coordinator, INPHB, Côte d'Ivoire.
- Fabrice COLIN, Research Director, associated with Mohamed V University in Rabat, Morocco, Scientific Referent for the AMR2D Network.