The Events

Ace Partners > Events > ACE Partner Training: Responding to calls for tender in the field of research, higher education and innovation
  • Training intended for: mainly researchers, doctoral students and research professionals seeking funding for their academic activities.
  • Languages: ENGLISH training
  • Certificate based on validation of practical work.
  • Cost : free training.
  • Registration required!
  • Contact:


ACE Partner training

Ace Partners > Events > ACE Partner Training: Responding to calls for tender in the field of research, higher education and innovation

This training program, designed by the ACE Partner and Bond'Innov teams, is part of a drive to build the capacities of those involved in research for excellence.

Please note: this course will be conducted in English.

Program of 8 modules :

1 - Mapping donors
2 - Defining the appropriate response method
3 - Anchoring the project in its environment
4 - Setting up a consortium
5 - Identifying potential scientific fields
and formalizing the project's research focus
6 - Formalizing the budget and implementation schedule
7 - Contractualizing the research project
8 - Monitoring program evaluation