RAMR2D network scholarship holders

RAMR2D > Scholars > GNAN KOUASSI Benjamin Junior

Targeted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) :

  • ODD 12 Responsible consumption and production (sustainable mining industry)
  • ODD 15 Life on Earth (environmental protection)
  • ODD 16 Peace, justice and effective institutions (avoidance of community mining conflicts at local, national or continental level)
RAMR2D > Scholars > GNAN KOUASSI Benjamin Junior

Start date: November 2020
Anticipated date of thesis defense: 2027
ORCID profile: 0009-0006-1646-5445

Thesis project title: The social fabric of the operationalization of mining CSR in an "agricultural mining territory" in Côte d'Ivoire.

Scientific project summary: Our research is a socio-anthropological critique of the process of social manufacture and collective governance of mining CSR projects aimed at farmers impacted by mining operations.

Indeed, in the Bonikro "mining agricultural territory", the problem of mining CSR consists less locally in its rejection of introduction, than in its level of operationalization and/or form of implementation (KOUADIO, N., 2018 and YOBOUE, C., 2021).

By way of hypothesis, we claim that a mining CSR project, struggling to take shape locally, diverges in its indicators of success from social determinisms and collective commons.

Do farmers affected by the mine (GNAN-KOUASSI, B., 2020) have the opportunity to participate in the development and implementation of CSR projects, particularly initiatives aimed at restoring or reorganizing agricultural land use? What is the stakeholder map? How is the CSR project developed and its social performance factors defined? Finally, what impact does the project's level of social satisfaction have on the mine's continued legal operation?

Thus, our scientific objective is to identify the mechanisms by which mining societal action is manufactured, as well as related controversies, and to grasp the methods used to assess the "social acceptance" (BATELLIER, P., 2012) of CSR projects, which are sometimes the subject of extra-financial reporting by Ivorian mining companies (EITI 2023). Ultimately, this work will facilitate the understanding of manufacturing processes, the construction of social impact monitoring indicators and the socialization of mining CSR projects.

Summary of results : The mapping of CSR players in agricultural and mining areas reveals a number of controversies in terms of social representations linked to the concept of social responsibility (CSR), its mechanisms for creating social projects and the ways in which third parties are designated.

Operationalized CSR is socially understood as all actions with a social or environmental and economic scope, which are built outside the mine's wage (internal legal CSR) or compensation (external legal CSR) space.

Although provided for in the 2014 Ivorian mining code, the frameworks for the manufacture of CSR projects are mostly influenced by state representatives via the local mining development committees, with the exception of the manufacturing spaces for the mine's essentially philanthropic actions, run mainly by the community relations department, with input from impacted farmers. In practice, the mining industry tries to involve them on a domestic or cooperative scale. First, farming communities are involved at the outset in proposing agricultural rehabilitation projects, then at the interface for improving the mine's budgetary decision, and land operationalization. Finally, farmers are called back to the fence to express their social satisfactions.

At this stage, reporting on social performance indicators is still dependent on EITI indicators and, to a lesser extent, on the European Union Commission's CSRD.

Prospects for the end of the thesis:
Working in Africa-Europe scientific diplomacy with IRD

Prospects after completion of thesis:
One-year internship at EFRAG

Contribution / added value to the affiliated project: Insertion of the thesis project in the local, regional and international scientific community.
This thesis project aims to support formalization and training projects in the field of social governance, in the political sociology of CSR instruments, in the mining sector in Côte d'Ivoire and in the sub-region. The involvement of this project at sub-regional level is all the more important as it contributes to the framing and typification of the role of players within the CDLM (Comité de Développement Local Minier) in Côte d'Ivoire and collective mediation forums.
At UEMOA level, our CSR contributions of June 2021 (Niamey) to the reforms of the community code, which were finally concluded in June 2023 in Ouagadougou, are proof that our work is important, especially as regards the formalization and framing of governance and ethical aspects in the articulation of the relationship between gold panning and industrial and semi-industrial mines.