
RAMR2D > Projects > TIGUE project: Production of biochar from biodegradable waste

Principal investigators :

  • Kerfala Doré (Graduate in geological engineering-ISMGB)
  • Djénabou Koulibaly (Conakry household waste management)
  • Amadou Camara (Master's degree in geology and mining exploration, specializing in waste recovery)

Documentary resources :


RAMR2D > Projects > TIGUE project: Production of biochar from biodegradable waste

Project challenges :

In Guinea, 90% of the population uses charcoal for cooking, obtained from freshly cut wood in the forests. This phenomenon contributes to the global warming observed in recent years. In Boké to be precise, (a town located 249.3km from the Guinean capital) the phenomenon is currently caused by two factors: mining and excessive logging.

At the same time, the country's sanitation situation remains worrying, the environment is polluted and the rate of illnesses linked to insalubrity is on the increase. The main objective of this study is to identify the socio-economic determinants of waste recovery.

In view of this trend, the consequences are likely to be more harmful in the region and across the planet. As the team was made up entirely of trained miners, we set ourselves the task of finding solutions to mitigate or remedy this spread, hence the origin of this project we called (TIGUE), which means coal in our dialects. This ecological coal will be obtained from household and other organic waste.

Impacts of the project :

First and foremost, this project will create seasonal employment within the university centers for students as sales or production staff, combat deforestation and reduce the production of greenhouse gases. It is also becoming a means of raising public awareness of household waste management.

For those in charge of waste management, environmental protection associations and even some citizens, waste recovery is an act of civic-mindedness, and people lack dedication in this direction. The problem of waste management is everyone's responsibility, and as long as everyone doesn't get involved, there will be no net improvement, and at present many people do not respect environmental rules.

The main objective is to fight against insalubrity and deforestation by recycling certain biodegradable waste into ecological charcoal.