RES-EAU Scholars

RES-EAU > Scholars > Karim Traore

Affiliated CEA :

  • Institut International d'Ingénierie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement (2iE Institute), Burkina Faso

Title :
Evaluation of flood vulnerability and adaptation strategies: the case of the "Grand Ouaga" area in Burkina Faso.

RES-EAU > Scholars > Karim Traore

Start date: January 2021

Statement of the problem:
The "Grand Ouaga" area, a geographical territory comprising the city of Ouagadougou (the political, economic and cultural capital of Burkina Faso) and its surrounding communes, has been subject to recurrent flooding in recent years. The major damage caused by each flood raises the question of how effectively this risk can be managed.

The study presented here, which is still in progress, aims to analyze vulnerability factors by combining quantitative and qualitative measurements of the exposure of stakes to flooding and the response capacity of individuals or groups exposed to the risk of flooding, based on census data, field surveys and the use of geographic information systems.

The work is intended to be at the crossroads of several disciplines (socio-economics, human and physical geography, hydrology and cindynics) in order to take better account of the factors acting on the vulnerability of populations to flooding in the area studied. As risk is a social construct that relates to societies' lifestyles and their relationship with their environment, this research will attempt to understand not only the overall characteristics of the population concerned, but also their representations and perceptions of risk, i.e. the social dimension of risk, and will analyze the impact of their behavior on their resilience.

Expected result / Overall objective :
The overall objective of this thesis is to contribute to the development of decision-support tools to better enlighten governors/decision-makers and planners on intervention priorities to effectively and efficiently cope with flood risks in urban areas.

Contribution / added value of research :
Of all the studies that have addressed the issue of flooding in Burkina Faso, that of assessing the vulnerability of populations and the effectiveness of mitigation and management measures has not been sufficiently addressed. However, this issue is essential to provide governments/decision-makers and planners with information specifying intervention zones and priority vulnerability factors that are useful for better management of current and future flood-risk zones. To address this issue, vulnerability factors will be described and analyzed using an interdisciplinary approach.

Pr. Harouna KARAMBIRI, 2iE Institute

Other contributors on doctoral supervision:
Dr. FOWE TAZEN, Institut 2iE
Dr. Malicki ZOROM, Institut 2iE
Dr. Maïmouna BOLOGO/TRAORÉ, Institut 2iE