IRD and Kedge Business School launch "Science and entrepreneurship: the fundamentals" MOOC
This online training course, open to all, is aimed at research players wishing to develop an economic activity based on their scientific results or related to their work. To be followed on FUN-MOOC from April 15, 2024!
The MOOC "Science and entrepreneurship: the fundamentals" is designed to help young scientists and research workers from all over the world enter the world of entrepreneurship. In particular, it aims to raise awareness among doctoral students, researchers and teacher-researchers, as well as engineers, technicians and those in charge of commercialization and innovation, of the tools needed to start a business based on research results. Through the video presentations of expert economists, company directors, financing specialists (particularly in Africa) and business coaches, it reviews the principles of validating a need and a market, the steps leading to the prototype of a solution , and how to present it in order to approach strategic partners, particularly financial and technical ones.
At the end of this course, learners will be able to :
- how to design and finance a research-action project with innovative potential,
- measure their market potential and validate the needs of their beneficiaries or users,
- define their value proposition and test their business model,
- prototype and present their solution to strategic partners, particularly financial and technical.
Participants who complete all modules and pass the quizzes will be awarded a training badge . Doctoral students can apply to their doctoral school to have the 30 hours of teaching time taken into account in their training.
This initiative is supported byInstitute of Research for Development (IRD) and Kedge Business School. It is co-financed by the ACE Partner program (World Bank, AFD, AUA, IRD, Inria).and received technical support from theCheikh Hamidou KANE Digital University (UN-CHK, formerly the Université virtuelle du Sénégal) and the contribution of a steering committee comprising theAssociation of African Universities (AAU)the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), d'Expertise Francefrom AFD CampustheAfrica Centre of Excellence on Technology Enhance Learning (ACETEL, Nigeria) and African Center of Excellence on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Agriculture (CEA-CCBAD, Côte d'Ivoire). This is the 2e MOOC in the IRD's "Cross-disciplinary skills for research careers" series on the FUN-MOOC platform. The MOOC will also be offered in English (from May 13) and Spanish (1st semester 2024).
Coordination and pedagogical engineering: Gaëlle Courcoux (IRD), Julien Dupont, Victoire Ennesser and Yannig Lavocat (Kedge Business School)
Images : Cheikh Hamidou KANE Digital University (UN-CHK), We up Learning and Emile Rivet
Graphic design and post-production: WeUp Learning
Find out more and register: https: //